Secondary Skin: Shortcut to Change Facade Display

Not only serves as a protective the front of the house, the second layer can also beautify the look of the house.

Secondary skin functions like a filter to reduce exposure to direct sunlight to the facade of the house. As a result the room that protected by a secondary skin feels colder. Secondary skin application also makes the facade display more attractive. Therefore, in order the secondary skin installation went smoothly, here are five points you should consider.

1. Expert Consultation: Before planning to install a double facade, ask for advice to experts such as architects or contractors. Consult the concept of design, materials, construction, until a solution to the problems that can occur when the installation process.

2. Check the structure of the house: To create a secondary skin structure of the house to be completely solid. Since this “outer shell” will be relied on major building construction. Therefore, check the condition of the old structure of the house from the foundation, columns, and beams.

3. Identify the direction toward home: If your home is facing toward the sun rise or set (East and West), the installation of secondary skin can become dominant. The main function of the double facade to reduce sunlight was fulfilled.

4. Selection of material: After determining the function and placement, you can judge whether or not the material is suitable from: shape, easy to apply, has a light weight, weather resistant, easy to care for, and prices to suit the budget.

5. Budgeting: The cost of installing a secondary skin is affected by several things. Land area, complexity of the design, the structure used, the characteristics of the material, also finishing is a point that must be considered. To be sure, the concept of design you want to be in accordance with the financial conditions.

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